Acting for health in Senegal, Gabon and Angola
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Acting for health in Senegal, Gabon and Angola
As part of its Act for health program, the Saham Foundation is developing specific surgical actions dedicated to countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These actions are carried out in partnership with local authorities, Ministries of Health and national health organizations. The Saham Foundation has therefore organized Solidarity Appointments in Sub-Saharan Africa: surgical caravans have been deployed in Senegal and Gabon. All of these actions made it possible to achieve:
- more than 800 surgeries
- 2206 medical consultations
- Donation of drugs and consumables.

Acting for Health in Angola
The Saham Foundation teams went to Angola from March 1 to 6, 2020 to organize a large solidarity operation at the Luanda General Hospital. This operation was carried out in partnership with several high authorities: the Moroccan and Angolan Ministries of Health, the Office of the First Lady in Angola, the Moroccan Embassy in Angola as well as the Saham Assurance Angola teams. In all, the intervention will have brought together a team of 24 volunteers, 11 surgeons (visceralists, pediatricians, ENTs, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, urologists), 2 anesthetists, 1 pharmacist, 1 radiologist, 1 internist and 8 paramedical volunteers.
- 921 medical consultations
- Donations of drugs and consumables
- Bilateral cooperation and exchange of knowledge between Moroccan and Angolan teams
Acting for Health in Gabon
The Saham Foundation has developed its first action in Gabon in partnership with local authorities. This is the 2nd surgical caravan organized by the Saham Foundation in Africa. This medical caravan took place in Lambaréné in Gabon and was carried out at the Regional Hospital Center of Georges Rawiri, in partnership with the Gabonese Ministry of Health. In addition, during the entire caravan, the Saham Foundation carried out various bilateral cooperation operations through training and know-how sharing actions with local staff.
Acting for Health in Senegal
The first surgical caravan organized by the Saham Foundation took place in Pété in Senegal and was carried out in partnership with the SAMU National of Senegal. As part of this medical cooperation and on the sidelines of the caravan, continuing training and skills transfer activities were carried out during operations.
Our actions
Key figures
Surgical caravan days
Consultations and non-surgical procedures
Operated patients, including operations that lasted between 3 and 6 hours
Multidisciplinary volunteer surgeons and paramedics
- 1,255,615 DH for donation of drugs and consumables
- Donation of more than 300 cataract surgery kits from the Ministry of Health Morocco